Welcome to
Silverdale Squash Club

A match is the best of 5 games

Each game is to 15 points.
The player who scores 15 points first wins the game except that if the score reaches 14-all, the game continues until one player leads by two points.

Either player may score points (PAR – point–a–rally). The server, on winning a rally, scores a point and retains the service; the receiver, on winning a rally, scores a point and becomes the server.

Squash Rules ( Abbreviated )


Bookings $30 per court per hour.

Open to the public

The player to serve first is decided by the spin of a racket. Each new game is started by the winner of the last.

Your first serve can be from either box, after winning a rally the server then continues serving from the alternate box (you only get 1 go at the serve, there are no second chances).

To serve you must have at least one foot on the floor within the service box (not touching the line). The serve must hit the front wall above the service (middle) line and below the out (top) line, to land (unless volleyed) within the back quarter of the court opposite to the server's box.


Members Area

Quick links for our members.

After the serve, the ball must hit the front wall, and can hit any wall on its way there.

The ball can only bounce once and must stay below the top line and above the 'Tin' at the bottom of the front wall.

General Play

If you think you are going to hit your opponent with the ball or the racket, DO NOT PLAY THE BALL, ask for a LET. If the ball could have gone to the front wall it is a STROKE (point or hand out). If the ball was going to the side wall first, a LET is played (play the point again). The same applies if you actually hit the ball and then your opponent, but for safety reasons it is better not to hit it!

If you TURN on the ball and hit your opponent it is considered a dangerous shot and you surrender a point or the serve. PLAY SAFE - Don't hit it.

If your opponent is seriously impeding your back swing or follow through, you receive a STROKE. If they are attempting to get out of your way then play a LET.

In most cases if you get hit by the ball or a racket, it is your own fault and the point goes to your opponent because you are impeding their shot.

REMEMBER: PLAY SAFE, give your opponent plenty of room to play the ball, and call a LET if you think you are going to hit them.

Lets & Strokes